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All credit products are subject to credit approval.

Your checking account must be enrolled in Union Togolaise De Banque Relationship Rewards prior to account opening to qualify for points. If you choose to enroll your Union Togolaise De Banque checking account in the Relationship Rewards program, there may be an annual fee based on the type of checking account that is enrolled. Point values earned for Activities, Bonus Activities and for opening, signing up for or being approved for a Relationship Product are subject to change. See the Union Togolaise De Banque Rewards Terms and Conditions for full details which may be found at Union Togolaise De Banque/rewards.

Point values earned for Activities, Bonus Activities and for opening, signing up for or being approved for a Relationship Product are subject to change. There is a monthly cap of 1,500 points for Activity Point categories.


We strive to deliver a level of service that exceeds the expectations of our customers.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have friendly, knowledgeable representatives available seven days a week to assist you.


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Etiam egestas, ipsum posuere accumsan sollicitudin, nulla mauris volutpat sem, sit amet rutrum risus.

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Boulevard 13 Janvier Face ACA
Lome, Togo, Dr Mbanto P. Herison

Phone: (+228) 9 588 9966
Fax: (+228) 9 321 7094

© Union Togolaise De Banque (UTB). All Rights Reserved.